
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Who Are You Listening To?

Every part of the bible is amazing! As Christians it's our tool for life. The more you expose yourself to the Word of God, the more it will expose itself to you. I enjoy studying it and I always find new scripture that I never seen before or God gives me new revelation as I read scriptures that I've read several times. We often read some of the scriptures that are quoted a lot without reading the back story and the scriptures that are shown right before. We have to make sure we are studying the word of God and allowing the holy spirit to reveal God's word to us so we can apply it to our own lives. 

A very powerful scripture that I often refer to is Psalms 1:1 "Bless is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of the sinner, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful." Do you have that family member, friend, boy friend/girlfriend etc. that talks about God and quotes scriptures but their life shows something different or they have no relationship with God at all. Then they'll always want to offer you advice and tell you how you should live your life and everything that they are telling you contradicts with the Word of God.
There may be times when you are frustrated with life or lonely so you'll start to hang around them and seek them for advice instead of spending time with God and seeking Him. That person that we are running to is not Christ like, and that is not where we need to be. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be around them at all. We are the light and we should let our lights shine in dark places but we have to be careful being in the presence and getting advice from people who are not of God. It doesn't matter if it's your mother, father ,sister, or brother. The most important thing we need to be doing is following Christ. Satan can place the smallest thoughts in our mind that hinders our growth and sends us down the wrong path. That includes music, TV, and social media. We have to be careful of what we allow in our ear and eye gates because those are openings to our heart. The bible tells us in Proverbs 4:23 to guard our heart. When I was in bondage for 26 years of my life, I let the world tell me how a relationship with a woman was supposed to be. I treated good girls badly and let bad girls run over me. I didn't surround myself with the right people and I allowed myself to listen to the streets and family members that had been married several times. Meanwhile, I had a great example at home with my Mother and Father who have been married for 48 years. 

When we start to feel lonely, depressed and frustrated, that is an indication that we need to spend alone time with God and cast every care upon him. If we need to speak to someone, we should find a Christian brother or sister who is wholeheartedly seeking Christ to talk to. We also need to be God led when we decide to seek others for advice. While there is nothing wrong with seeking godly counsel, we just need to make sure that we aren't always running to man to get advice. We need to be content with God and the season he has us in. We should follow the example of Paul. In Philippians 4:11, He says for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Paul was in prison and content and when he had plenty he was also content. We need to learn that God has everything worked out for us. We have to be patient and allow His will to be done in our lives. 

So don't go chasing and getting advice and listening to the wrong people. The Holy Spirit will guide us and tell us when to move and when to stand still. God equips us with everything we need so lets be content in where he has us and where he is taking us. God has it all worked out so please don't miss your blessings by being impatient. 

God bless you 

- Shawn Spears 


  1. This concept has been coming up all week and I was just speaking to a friend about this yesterday. Specifically, God reminded that, "We should not seek permission from man, about what God has called us to do."

    Thanks for a great post!

  2. Just came across your website the other day and I'm reading every story right from the start. This post has seriously blessed me as God is really building me through the word and focusing on Him alone. Thank you for sharing.
