
Monday, September 15, 2014

I'm Free

Sexual soul ties are real!! 1 Corinthians 6:18 says "Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body." While we are teaching our youth to use condoms and birth control to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies, no one is telling them the dangers of soul ties. As someone who lost her virginity at 17 and was bound by sexual soul ties for 13 years, I needed to hear about soul ties and the bondage that it puts you in a long time ago.

A soul tie is an emotional bond or connection that unites you with someone else. You can become bound to a person through your soul. An unholy soul tie is formed when when two individuals have sex outside of marriage. It is the forming of one flesh. 1 Corinthians 6:12-16 (NLT) says "You say, I am allowed to do anything - but not everything is good for you. And even though "I am allowed to do anything", I must not become a slave to anything. You say, Food was made for the stomach, and the stomach for food. But you can't say that our bodies were made for sexual immorality. They were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies. And God will raise us from the dead by his power, just as he raised our Lord from the dead. Don't you realize that your bodies are actually parts of Christ? Should a man take his body, which is part of Christ, and join it to a prostitute? Never! And don't you realize that if a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? For the scriptures say, the two are united into one (NLT)." So every time you have sex outside of marriage you become One with that person. The soul tie formed through pre-marital sex can be just as strong and binding as those formed through the marriage covenant. Ever wondered
why you can't leave that man alone even though he cheats on you and lies to you or abuses you......soul ties! I've spent years in relationships that I had no business being in due to soul ties. I didn't realize that if that person has demonic spirits attached to them and I sleep with them, those demonic spirits are now tied to me. While I'm sitting there looking at how sexy he looks, I'm oblivious to the darkness of his soul.....I had no idea who I was sleeping with and what was being attached to me! The illustration below is so powerful and describes exactly what happens. I am now all of these people and have all these spirits attached to me because of sexual soul ties.

The devil will use soul ties to his advantage by holding two people hostage to each other. It's almost like invisible chords and ropes connecting you with the other person. Before I was delivered and set free, I remember one man in particular who I would constantly go back to. I would move on and be in a new relationship but I couldn't get him out of my head. I would constantly compare every man that I met to him. He even moved on to another relationship and I would still constantly think about him. And when he would want me back.....I would drop everything and go back to him. It was almost like those bungee chords....every time I would get far enough away from him to where it felt like I was getting ready to break free, the chord (soul tie) would pull me right back to him. A sexual soul tie will make a person still have "feelings" towards an ex lover that they may not have seen in years but still thinks about them 20 years down the road. You can be married and still be connected to another man in your mind if that soul tie has not been broken. This can interfere with your intimacy with your husband. It is very hard to operate with a clear head and logic reality when your mind, soul, and emotions are tied to another person. An ungodly soul tie can make your vision blurry so you really can't see what is in front of you.

So how did I get free? In my first blog post titled "He Called Me Back to Him," (you can read it HERE), I talk about the fast and consecration that I did when the Lord began to deal with me concerning my ungodly soul ties. When He revealed all of this to me and the amount of things attached to me, I began casting down every spirit that was not of God that was attached to me. I imagined myself cutting the chords. For some, I had to physically write their name on a piece of paper and cut it up. I repented and cried out to God for my disobedience and defiling His temple. I mean I truly repented. When there is true repentance you turn away from sin and have no plans on going back. I used to think that all I had to do was say "Lord forgive me." When I knew that I was going to go over my boyfriend's house that night and commit the same sin...but I thought that was okay because I was going to say the same "Lord forgive me prayer." The devil is a liar and so was I! But this time, I truly meant what I said. You cannot be delivered and go back to the same thing that you've been delivered from. It's dangerous! Matthew 12:43-45 says "When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, I will return to the house I left. When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first." After truly repenting and casting out every spirit, I was so sick. I remember thinking I had a bad stomach virus because I kept throwing up. I had no stomach virus, God was purging me and removing all of those toxins and filthiness from my body. By the end of my fast and consecration, I felt so FREE!! I could think clearly, I could text that man back and tell him to "Get Lost," I could delete numbers out of my phone, I could spot randoms when they walked up to me trying to talk to me. That was the start of my purity journey. I surrounded myself with Christian women seeking the same thing, I started journaling to Christ, having quiet time, a life of prayer, and was content being single. I remember saying, "Lord if it's not your will for me to marry, I will still never go back to that place again!" I was content with it just being me and Jesus. Of course I desired to be married, but I didn't desire it over my relationship with Christ. I think sometimes it's so easy for us as women to idolize marriage that we miss out on what God is trying to do for us while we are single. There is much purpose in being single. So stop shopping for rings, trying on wedding gowns, and planning your wedding when God hasn't even released your husband. Number 1, it's a big distraction and because you are so desperate for this "wedding day" the enemy will send a counterfeit and you will easily fall for it because you are so focused on "1 day." Number 2, it is a waste of time because once God releases your husband to you, you are not going to want anything that you spent all this time planning for your wedding. Trust me, I think I planned like 4 weddings in my head (picked out the colors and all) and my actual wedding was nothing like any of those weddings that I wasted my time researching and planning in my head. Lastly, instead of spending that time planning for the day, prepare for the marriage. Preparing for the marriage means reading scriptures on what the Lord says the role of the wife and husband is. Practice praying for your husband, even if you haven't met him yet. Spend some time with God so he can mold you into the wife that he created you to be and let Him heal you from any past hurt that might hinder you in your future marriage. Spend that time developing patience......because Lord knows you will need it once you are married.

After speaking about purity at New Life in Knoxville, TN this past May, I concluded by saying that when Harriett Tubman got free from slavery, she didn't just bask in being free and go on about her life. Harriett Tubman when back and got her family, loved ones, and anyone who desired freedom. Well I can relate to Ms Tubman. I've experienced what it feels like to be in bondage and now that I'm free, I'm coming to help free other women. See the world has lied to us about sex for far too long. Don't let the world tell you that it's okay to have sex outside of the marriage covenant, it's not! Don't let the world tell you that no man is going to wait for you, that's a fact there are men out there waiting too. Don't let the world tell you that you'll never get married living a life of purity and holiness. I personally know 5 couples who got engaged this year that are practicing abstinence and I personally know 3 couples other than myself who have gotten married this year. Don't believe the lie! Don't let the world dictate what God is telling you to do. Obedience is greater than sacrifice.

I ask that you pray this prayer if you are bound by sexual soul ties.
Lord, in the name of Jesus, I renounce my ungodly soul ties to (call out their name(s)). Lord I repent for all of my sins. In the name of Jesus, I ask that all ungodly sexual soul ties in my past or present be broken! I call back all fragments of my soul that I may be made whole and pure again. I command that my mind does not remember anything I've done that was impure with that person. I command my emotions to come back in alignment and give me the strength and courage to let that person go. I command that every evil spirit that gained access to my body and life, through any ungodly sexual soul tie be broken. And I command those spirits to go to a dry place in the name of Jesus. Lord I thank you that I'm now walking in freedom and I'm no longer bound by any ungodly sexual soul tie. God I thank you for my deliverance. Amen.

Love you guys and stay tuned for Part II of "I'm Free" is not the only way soul ties are formed.

- Jennifer Spears

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We will be speaking at the Singles Conference 2014 in Charleston, SC. If you are interested in attending, register HERE Details are in the flyer below.


  1. Thank You for sharing Jen - may God continue using you for His Kingdom!

  2. Thank you for this post!!! I began a fast today and this was my first focus area for purging!!!!

    1. Wow!! I'll be praying for you while you're on your fast that God will begin speak so clearly to you and that you will have an open heart to listen.

  3. Please continue to share. So Powerful!!!!

  4. Please don't stop. You touched my life. Thank You.

  5. Wow I am so thankful to have found your blog! God is truly good and I am currently fasting on my first day and I was lead to read this post! It has opened my Heart to so much in short time span.

  6. This is so amazing I love you post and will be sharing this with my 16 year old daughter! Thank You

  7. Thank you for this insightful information. God bless you all!

  8. This was a wonderful article that I truly needed in this season. I'm just reading it and am curious to know if Part II has been cancelled.
