
Monday, October 13, 2014

A Heart to Give

In my 20's I was a complete mess! I would do any and everything under the sun. I worked at a new car dealership selling cars and I made a lot of money to be as young as I was. I blew through the money as fast as I earned it. I would have $5000 one day and $0 two days later. It's funny when you have money you have a lot of "friends" but when you are down and out they are nowhere to be found. I remember a lot of Sundays being so sick out of my mind from drinking so much over the weekend. On Sunday morning I would be broke and hungry. I could have gone to my parents but I was too ashamed. There was a woman named Ms. Evelyn who sold soul food plates from her home with her son and daughters. If you spent anytime in East Knoxville, you probably ate some of her cooking. Her food was awesome! Ms. Evelyn was an awesome Woman of God. I would end up at Ms. Evelyn's house when I was down and out and even though she cooked dinners to make money, she would always feed me. I never heard of her telling anyone of what she did for me and she never had anything harsh to say to me. I would always feel God's presence when I was at her house. 

The Holy Spirit reminded me of Ms. Evelyn and her giving heart the last few weeks.
A couple weeks ago I passed by Kroger grocery store and saw a man, woman, and 3 children holding a sign that said "Hungry, lost job, no money." As I drove pass them, my heart was totally convicted. The Holy Spirit instructed me to turn around and go help them. When I came back, I didn't see them. I felt bad because I didn't turn around quick enough and I missed an opportunity to help someone. Then the Holy Spirit told me to ride through the parking lot. I then saw them standing by the front door of the store holding the same sign up. I walked up and spoke to the husband and he explained that they came in from out of town because he was supposed to have a job waiting on him but it didn't happen. We all went inside of the store and I bought them food and then we went to the gas station so I could fill their tank. The crazy part about this whole story is that there were Bentley's and a lot of high end cars in the parking lot. How do you just walk by a whole family...especially with kids and ignore them? 

The weekend after that, I was in Knoxville eating at a restaurant with my father and children. I was heading to my car to leave and I was startled by a young lady and her son in the parking lot crying. She told me she was homeless and her son was tired and she was $12 short of getting a hotel room. I reached in my pocket and gave her the money she needed. I'm not sharing these stories to brag about what I've done. My reward is making my Father happy by being obedient to Him. I'm sharing these stories because this generation is totally desensitized when it comes to the poor and people in need. As Christians, how can we walk pass people who need our help? Some people use the excuse that "you don't know what they are going to do with the money you are giving them or what if they are lying about being poor." That has nothing to do with you. God will reward you for your obedience and for giving out of the goodness of your heart and the person who's lying will have to give an account to God for defrauding you. And if you don't have money to give, you can offer them prayer. Proverbs 28:27 says "Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them will receive many curses. We wonder why we aren't prospering but are we doing God's will? There are some who give to the church and then worry about what the church is going to do with the money. Deuteronomy 15:10 says give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart and because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hands to do." Ms Evelyn was such a blessed woman. I remember when she received a brand new Cadillac from her employer. Because of her giving heart, it was given back to her. We hold on to what we think is everything but it is nothing compared to what Christ wants to give us. So be obedient and give to the needy and when God is asking you to's not ours anyway, it all belongs to Him. Christ has greater for you. This country is so rich but we are so poor inside because we hoard everything that we have. The scripture that says it all is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he GAVE his only begotten son." I challenge you today to give and watch how God moves in your life.

God Bless,

Shawn Spears 

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